Pursue a dual career in acting and modeling. The show ran for three years on a local NBC Producing and co-hosting a popular Chicago magazine program called Member of the celebrated Second City troupe, in addition to writing, She also had a brief marriage to her first husband that ended in divorce. Station and won three Emmy Awards for Best Entertainment Show. She met her second husband, Bruce Tyson (a securities broker), on aīlind date in 1979. She played the part for five years, winning an Emmy for Played the character Diane Chambers in the new NBC comedy series,Ĭheers (1982). Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series in 1983, winning Golden
Globe Awards for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 1983,įor Best Actress in a Comedy Series in 1985 and a Quality TV Award forīest Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 1986. She gave birth to aĭaughter, Juliana, on March 27, 1985.